- Depression as a Predictor of Cognitive Impairment in Patients with a Long History of Migraine
Sun-Young Kim, Yang-Ha Hwang, Ho-Won Lee, Chung-Kyu Suh, Sung-Pa Park
Korean J Headache. 2009;10(2):141-149. Published online December 31, 2009
- Background
Cognitive impairment has been documented in patients with migraine. Predictors were frequency, dura- tion, and intensity of headaches and a long history of suffering with migraine. However, neuropsychological conse- quences such as cognitive profiles or mood states of a long history of migraine are still debatable. To clarify cognitive outcomes in patients with a long history of migraine and to examine significant contributory predictors. Methods: We compared the cognitive performances of patients with a history of migraine at least 10 years with healthy controls using various neuropsychological tests. We measured mood states to assess the effect of mood on cognitive performances. We acquired demographic and migraine-associated variables through a headache questionnaire. We correlated cognitive outcomes with migraine variables, including mood states, and then examined predictors by mul- tiple regression analyses. Results: Cognitive performances of long-term migraineurs were significantly worse compared to controls. The age of migraine onset was a predictor of performance on list learning, immediate, and delayed word recall tasks. Depre- ssion was a predictor for performance on list learning and Digit Span Backward. Conclusion: Cognitive impairment is elucidated in patients with a long history of migraine. Treatment plans for depre- ssion should be evaluated based on the potential improvement of cognitive functioning.
- 토피라메이트에 반응을 보인 기저형편두통 1예
Young-Jo Bae, Kyung-Hun Kang, Ho-Won Lee, Doo-Kyo Jung, Chung-Kyu Suh, Sung-Pa Park
Published online June 30, 2005
- Basilar-type migraine is a subtype of migraine with aura. Recently, topiramate(TPM) has been demonst- rated to be effective as a monotherapeutic device for migraine prevention. However, there is no report to describe its efficacy on basilar type migraine. A 17-year-old woman admitted to our hospital with basilar type migraine. Her symptoms including aura relieved with TPM of a daily dose of 100mg after four months. There were several adverse events including paresthesia, weight loss or speech problem, even though they were mild and transient. We report a patient with basilar type migraine who responded to TPM. Korean Journal of Headache 6(1):95-98, 2005