- 토피라메이트에 반응을 보인 기저형편두통 1예
Young-Jo Bae, Kyung-Hun Kang, Ho-Won Lee, Doo-Kyo Jung, Chung-Kyu Suh, Sung-Pa Park
Published online June 30, 2005
- Basilar-type migraine is a subtype of migraine with aura. Recently, topiramate(TPM) has been demonst- rated to be effective as a monotherapeutic device for migraine prevention. However, there is no report to describe its efficacy on basilar type migraine. A 17-year-old woman admitted to our hospital with basilar type migraine. Her symptoms including aura relieved with TPM of a daily dose of 100mg after four months. There were several adverse events including paresthesia, weight loss or speech problem, even though they were mild and transient. We report a patient with basilar type migraine who responded to TPM. Korean Journal of Headache 6(1):95-98, 2005