- 재발한 톨로사-헌트 증후군 3예의 임상적 특징: 안구운동장애와 MRI로 예후를 예측할 수 있는가?
Hak Seung Lee, Jin Seok Kim, Jin Seong Jung, Hyun Young Park, Hyuk Chang, Yo Sik Kim, Kwang Ho Cho
Korean J Headache. 2006;7(1):50-52. Published online June 30, 2006
- Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (THS) is characterized by a painful, unilateral ophthalm oplegia caused by a nonspecific granulo-matous process in the cavernous sinus, the superior orbital fissure, or the orbital apex. The clinical differences and risk factors between episodic and recurrent syndrome have not been demonstrated, either. W e report patients with recurrent THS, w ho had a complete palsy of the cranial nerve III, IV and VI initially. Two of them show ed lesions in the ipsilateral cavernous sinus on brain M RI. Korean Journal of Headache 7(1):50-52, 2006