- 편두통과 간질, 항경련제
Kim Jae-Moon
Korean J Headache. 2004;5(1):2-9. Published online June 30, 2004
- Migraine and epilepsy are both chronic diseases characterized by recurrent, paroxysmal neurologic attacks with additional symptoms of headache and gastrointestinal, autonomic, and psychological features. Migraine and epilepsy are clinically linked by their symptoms, comorbidity, and treatment. In some inhe- rited syndromes such as MELAS or BEOP(benign epilepsy with occipital paroxysm), both disorders are closely related. In addition, a number of migraine syndrome can be confused with epilepsy. Before the diagnosis and treatment of each disorder, consideration of the potential presence of the other is crucial. In clinical practice, some of antiepileptic drugs are effective in the treatment of both disorders and is sugges- ting the common pathophysiology of both disorders. Korean Journal of Headache 5(1):2-9, 2004