- 한국인 인구집단에서 교육수준이 긴장형두통의 유병률에 미치는 영향
Dong-Won Lee, Yang-Ki Minn, Min Kyung Chu, Kyung-Mi Oh, Byung-Kun Kim, Kwang Soo Lee, Soo-Jin Cho
Korean J Headache. 2011;12(1):57-60. Published online June 30, 2011
- Objective: Education reflects socioeconomic status and may influence pain modulation or thresholds in primary headache disorders. Tension-type headache(TTH) is the most common type of primary headache and the influence of education on the prevalence of TTH has not been well evaluated. The aims of this study were to evaluate the asso- ciation between education level and the prevalence of TTH and the influence of other contributors. Methods: For this study, a stratified random population sample of Koreans, over the age of 19, was selected and evalua- ted using a 12-item, semi-structured interview designed to identify headache type using ICHD-2 criteria. Education levels were classified into college, high school, and middle school or below. Household income and occupation were evaluated as contributors. Results: Among 1507 participants, 463(30.7%) were diagnosed with TTH; 228 were frequent episodic TTH, 224 were infrequent episodic TTH, and 11 were chronic TTH. College level was associated with a lower prevalence of tension-type headache(25.8% vs 33.8% in high school, 32.9% in middle school or below, p=0.006). Prevalence of frequent episodic TTH was lower in college graduate(p=0.002). After adjusting age, gender, and income, education level is the significant contributor for prevalence of TTH. Conclusions: Among variables of socioeconomic status, education is the important modulator of TTH, especially in women.
- 자가편두통 선별 도구의 개발 및 타당도 평가 -한국 편두통 선별 설문-
Min-Kyung Chu, Byung Kun Kim, Sung Taek Kim, Jae-Moon Kim, Heui-Soo Moon, Jeong Wook Park, Kwang-Soo Lee, Kyung-Mi Oh, Jae-Myun Chung, Chin-Sang Chunge
Korean J Headache. 2007;8(2):84-91. Published online December 31, 2007
- Background
Migraine is a common and disabling illness. But substantial migraine sufferers were underdiagnosed or undiagnosed. To improve migraine diagnosis, Korean Migraine Screening Questionnaire(KMSQ) was developed and validated in outpatient setting. Methods: A total of 507 patients who visited out patient clinic for headache were recruited in 10 hospitals in Korea and asked 10-item questionnaire concerning headache. 487 completed and returned the questionnaire. All patients were evaluated for headache and diagnosed by headache experts. Migraine diagnosis was assigned on International Head- ache Society(IHS) criteria after completing semi-structured diagnostic interview. Results: Of ten diagnostic questions derived from IHS criteria and headache expert experience, three-item subsets were deduced. Combination of questions regarding nausea, pulsating quality and photophobia showed optimum perfor- mances. Any two from the three items showed a sensitivity of 0.74, a specificity of 0.80, a positive predictive value of 80.8 and a negative predictive value of 73.5. Conclusion: The three-item Korean Migraine Screening Questionnaire was a valid and reliable migraine screening instru- ment in outpatient setting. It could help in improvement of migraine diagnosis and enhance migraine management.
- 일반연제-Epidemiology of Headache Disorders in Korea 2004
Chin-Sang Chung, Hyung In Cho, Ki-Young Jung, Hui-Soo Moon, Kyung-Mi Oh, Tae Hoon Kim , Hwan Ho Ha
Korean J Headache. 2005;6(1):101-101. Published online June 30, 2005
- Background
There have been only a few epidemiologic studies on migraine in Korea. In Asian count- ries Korea is one of the blank spots on the migraine map. No official data have been reported in Korea. This study is the first Korean government-supported project that surveyed the headache disorders in Korea. Objectives: To investigate the 1-year prevalence of migraine in Korea using the new operational diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorder 2004(ICHD-II) proposed by the International Headache Society(IHS). Methods: A door-to-door survey of headache was conducted by personal face-to-face interviews among the people aged between 15 and 65 years in the Korea except the Cheju island during October 2004. Stra- tified systematic household sampling was performed and the subjects were recruited from 2,038 house- holds. In this study a standardized questionnaire and a diagnostic algorithm applied by lay interviewers were used as the method of data collection. The algorithm was based on the diagnostic criteria of the ICHD-II. This study was supported by a grant of the Korea Health 21 R&D Project, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea(A020163). Results: The life-time prevalence of headache in Koreans was 31.4%(640/2038, M 27.6%, F 35.3%). The sex- and age-specific 1-year prevalence rate of headache was 21.5%(M 17.1%, F 26.1%). The point prevalence of headache suffering at the time of interview was 12.0%(245/2,038). The 1-year prevalence of migraine was 12.0%(M 9.3%, F 14.7%). The peak prevalence rate was observed in the 30s of age in both genders(M 11.3%, F 16.0%). Another minor peak prevalence was observed in the 50s of age in women but not in men. Conclusions: We conclude that the prevalence rate of migraine in Korea is quite comparable to that observed in other countries except the presence of second minor peak in the 50s in women. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the satisfaction with treatment and overall effectiveness of the medical care system in Korea.