- 증례 : 대동맥류박리에 의한 두통 2례
Eujung Park, Oh-Young Kwon, Seonguk Jung, Nack-Cheon Choi, Ki-Joung Park, Hee-young Kang, Byeong Hoon Lim
Korean J Headache. 2006;7(2):109-111. Published online December 31, 2006
- A 73-year-old woman with atherosclerosis and a 56-year-old woman with hypertension complained frontal headache. Chest X-ray showed the mediastinal widening and chest CT revealed aortic dissection in both patients. Headache is rare as an initial symptom of aortic dissection. The headache was assumed be due to either vessel distension or pericarotid plexus ischemia. In the patients who have the risk factors for atherosclerosis and the mediastinal widening in chest X-ray, aortic dissection should be considered as a cause of headache.
- Triptan계열 약물 이외의 급성기 편두통치료
Nack-Cheon Choi
Korean J Headache. 2001;2(1):10-19. Published online June 30, 2001
- The objective of abortive treatment of migraine attack is to reduce the intensity and duration of pain with its attendant symptoms and to optimize the patient's ability to function normally. The efficacy of most abortive anti-migrainous drug is probably related to their inhibitory effects on neurogenic inflammation mediated through serotoninergic control mechanisms. A variety of treatment strategies provide effective treatment for most attacks of moderate to severe migraine when utilizing one or a combination of the following classes of drugs: anti-emetics, simple analgesics, nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, ergot derivatives, and narcotic analgesics. The choice of medication for an acute attack depends on factors such as the severity of the attack, the presence or absence of vomiting, time from onset of pain to peak pain level, rate of bioavailability of the drugs, comorbid medical conditions, and the side effect profile of the drug. Korean Journal of Headache 2(1):10-19, 2001