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- Volume 4(2); December 2003
- 대한두통학회 추계학술대회 심포지움 일정
Published online December 31, 2003
- 안과적 질환과 관련된 두통
Shin Hae Park, Chan Kee Park
Korean J Headache. 2003;4(2):81-88. Published online December 31, 2003
- Some eye diseases, such as acute glaucoma or optic neuritis, can evoke ocular pain or headache and some certain primary headaches are often accompanied by ocular or visual symptoms such as the complex visual phenomena characteristic of migraine aura Vice Vera. When the patients complaining headache visit the clinic, visual acuity, refractive error, pupil response, slit lamp examination, tonometer, visual field examination and lid position should be evaluated thoroughly. In this paper we will describe ophthalmic diseases associated with headache and suggest ophthalmologist's role in management of the headache patients. Korean Journal of Headache 4(2):81-88, 2003
- 비강 및 부비동 질환과 연관된 두통
Yong Ju Jang
Korean J Headache. 2003;4(2):89-93. Published online December 31, 2003
- Sinonasal disease has well been regarded as a common cause for headache particularly in general public. Headache associated with acute or chronic sinusitis is well recognized entity, the diagnosis is easily made due to association of nasal and sinus symptoms. However, in real medical practice, the exact diagnosis of headache of sinonasal origin has been a challenging subject. In otolaryngologic perspectives, headaches can be classified as; Headache specifically linked to sinonasal abnormalities, headache unrela- ted to sinonasal cause, an entity with no clear cause for headache in which sinus origin cannot be clearly identified. The commonly encountered diagnostic entities presenting with headaches from sinonasal origin are acute rhinosinusitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, fungal sinusitis, sinus mucocele, sinonasal tumor, and con- tact point headache. Among these, the significance of contact point headache has been a debate. Cer- tainly, it is a diagnostic challenge for the physician to diagnose headache of sinonasal origin when the radiography and endoscopy are negative, and there is no clear history of sinonasal symptoms. To better diagnose the headache of sinonasal origin, the nose and paranasal sinuses should be included when imaging study for brain is requested. Furthermore, based on strong interaction between neurologist and otolaryngologist, an active consultation and thoughtful examination of nose and paranasal sinuses by the otolaryngologist is strongly mandated. Korean Journal of Headache 4(2):89-93, 2003
- 치과질환과 관련된 두통
Seong Taek Kim, Youn Joong Kim , Chong-Youl Kim
Korean J Headache. 2003;4(2):96-100. Published online December 31, 2003
- Cranium is complex in neuroanatomical structure and develops variety of disorders exerting a myriads of symptoms and signs. In case of headache, its association with cranial structures such as eyes, nose, ears, teeth, and jaw shows peculiar pain symptoms different to usual feature of pain. Such headaches in dentistry area includes dental, musculoskeletal, neuropathic and neurovascular pain. The author described such headaches likely to be attributable to dental diseases, especially in the context of recently revised international classification of headache disorders of international headache society. Further investigation of well-organized study design is required as there is still debate on whether dental diseases cause head- ache directly. Korean Journal of Headache 4(2):96-100, 2003
- 국제두통학회 두통 분류법 개정판: 무엇이 새로운가?
Chin-Sang Chung
Korean J Headache. 2003;4(2):101-108. Published online December 31, 2003
- The International Headache Society (IHS) has revised the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-II) recently. They added some new disorders and new section for headache disorders associated with psychiatric diseases to first edition of the classification. They also modified and added some new diagnostic criteria. For research purposes they attached an appendix that included some alternative diagnostic criteria or provisional new entities. In this review new features and clinical utility of the ICHD-II will be discussed. Korean Journal of Headache 4(2):101-108, 2003
- 합병증을 동반한 편두통 1례
Ye-Sung Kim, Ji-Sun Kim, Sung-Hae Jung, Jae-Moon Kim
Korean J Headache. 2003;4(2):109-112. Published online December 31, 2003
- A 30-year old woman was admitted to the psychiatric department because of severe headache, right hemiparesis, aphasia, epileptic seizure, and fluctuating confusion. Headache lasts for couple of weeks and slowly regressed. Right hemiparesis, aphasia and fluctuating confusion was continued in spite of anti- migrainous medications. MRI and brain SPECT revealed suspicious focal ischemic lesion in right deep parietal lobe. There might be a profound overlap between the confusional migraine, basilar artry mi- graine, hemiplegic migraine, and migraine-related cerebral ischemia. Korean Journal of Headache 4(2):109-112, 2003