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편두통과 긴장형두통 환자에서의 자기공명영상 백질 이상
Nayoung Kim, Suntae Hwang, Ja-Seong Koo, Ohyun Kwon, Jong-Moo Park
Korean Journal of Headache 2007;8(2):69-72

Published online: December 31, 2007
대한두통학회 학회지
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Several reports have documented a high frequency of white matter abnormalities by MRI in migraineurs. However, there have been few studies on MRI abnormalities in tension-type headache. The purpose of our study was to determine whether the incidence and distribution of MRI abnormalities in tension-type headache differ from those in migraine Methods: We analyzed consecutive magnetic resonance imaging findings of 121 patients with migraine and tension type headache under 50 years old. Of the 121 patients, 74 were diagnosed as having migraine and 47 were diagnosed as having tension-type headache. Clinical information was obtained from headache patients database. MRI was revie- wed with respect to location, number and volume of focal white matter hyperintensities in FLAIR image. The location of white matter abnormalities were classified into periventricular and subcortical lesions. Results: White matter abnormalities were observed in 23% of migraine patients and; 28% of tension-type headache. Among the migraineurs, white matter abnormalities were seen in 22% with migraine without aura and 33% with mi- graine with aura. There was no significant difference in incidence of white matter abnormalities between the patients with migraine and tension-type headache(p=0.67) and between the patients with migraine without aura and with aura (p=0.62). The white matter abnormalities were most frequently located in subcortical area in both groups. Conclusions: The incidence and distribution of white matter abnormalities in MRI was not significantly different between the patients with migraine and tension-type headache. These findings suggest that two disorders may share a common pathomechanism.

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    편두통과 긴장형두통 환자에서의 자기공명영상 백질 이상
    Korean J Headache. 2007;8(2):69-72.   Published online December 31, 2007
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