Pharmacotherapy of pain remains of high im portance. D espite advances in pain m anagement research and technology, physicians are constantly challenged by patients w ith chronic pain who appear to require narcotics to function. Antipyretic analgesics are a group of heterogeneous substances including acidic and nonacidic drugs. In recent years, new antiepileptic m edications have given rise to m uch interest in pain control. Anticonvulsant drugs are effective in the treatm ent of chronic neuropathic pain but w ere not thought to be useful in m ore acute conditions such as postoperative pain. The risks and benefits of opioids for pain are discussed in the concern about the poorly m anaged pain and prescription drug abuse and addiction. The present review concentrates on the use of antipyretic analgesics, psycotropic drugs, anticonvulsants, and opioids in pain m anagement.